Thursday, 18 March 2010

epic fail + procrastination

The title of this post is a recurring theme in most peoples' lives. And at this point in time, very true in mine.

So I'm testing my techie skills out:

Wednesday, 17 March 2010


Music is probably a good plan. Don't know yet how to put the music onto this, but maybe a tubey clip, if I can master that.

Maybe I can use this to chart my uber playlists of the now. So for today. Or the past couple of days:
Two Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn
In the basement, people. You can't but feel slightly elated, no matter how hard you try not to. Magic.
And, she did speak words that could melt in your hands. That's what got me.

Iron & Wine - Boy with a Coin
Out of the Shepherd's Dog. Reminds me of (a boy, with a coin) but also somewhere where there is a beach, but a cold type of pebble beach, not your ordinary fiery sunned beach. Or if it was a a piece of art: painting or a severely photoshopped image, it would be one with a distinct grey/blue hue.

Four Tet - Love Cry
I feel like I should be in the jungle when I hear this. Long and good, for thoughtless times.

Sufjan Stevens - Mistress Witch from McClure
Poignant? Yes, I think so too.

Belle & Sebastian - Dear Catastrophe Waitress
Loving the rhythm, the full backing, the lyrics. All of it.

Miike Snow - Animal (Mark Ronson Remix)
- "Was that the bleat of a lamb?"
- "Why yes, it was. Problem?"
Perfect for scaring the antisocially unaccepting, musically rigid folk.

First Aid Kit - Tiger Mountain Peasant Song (Fleet Foxes cover)
Sisters, aged 16 and 19, singing and playing in their local forest... (?!) to the camera and the squirrels and to each other. The girl on the right is good.

And so
apparently means 'new line'. Just in case I forget.

This is all I can be bothered to do for now. This is nice. Hopefully this will turn into my own diary of music/moods/playlists. Should be good.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

first and probably last


Having spent a lot of my allocated procrastination time on, I have decided that blogs aren't just for freaks and weird people.

I've left the 'Hello' field blank. I always thought that if I was to write a diary, its purpose would be 1) my own amusement at the end of the year / however long it takes me to physically finish a book and 2) for people to dig up ages and ages later and find that there was once an odd child that roamed the earth for a while, recorded insignificant happenings and promptly forgot to continue writing after a couple of entries. For these reasons I have left it unaddressed. I don't really want to say Hi, me or Hi, public (because, to be honest, who is reading... unless you've found me on Google, bothered to subscribe because this looks oh so promising, and put it on your Google reader or something and have become my (one and only) stalker) Thinking about it now, it is just me reading, hence the waffle up there is completely irrelevant. Weird.

I do suspect I will forget about this after a while, but maybe I will put it to good use. Maybe I'll get very intimate with this inanimate cyber domain and talk about how who did what and who said what to whom and why this person is doing this and which TV shows I'm watching. Maybe not. Maybe I'll invite my friends to read this. Maybe I won't. Maybe in a couple of years. It would be a good gift. Perhaps, for everyone's 21st birthdays, I could include a link for this blog and they could come scour it for their names and go 'oh, hey! I was mentioned'. But that would require them being sufficiently obsessed with me and my opinion, otherwise it would be a pretty crap present.

For now, however, I like it this way, just mine.

PS what if I forget everything that happens? I can hardly remember what I had for lunch... Perhaps this was a good plan after all.